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Word of the Week

Word of the Week: Focus

Attention Deficit Disorder: Some of you have a diagnosis, the rest of us live without one. There are so many distractions, aren’t there? If I didn’t have ADD before, modern life has given me some version of it. I was working on a document and ended up doing 3 or 4 other things and checking on Facebook just for good measure, before finishing. It is hard to find some focus, isn’t it?  There are so many things fighting for my attention.

Some things are worth the effort. Jesus is the Son of God - we are dwelling on that truth this Advent at GCC. See if you can break away for a few minutes in this very distracted season to focus on Christ. Find a verse or two from the Bible and soak it in. Turn everything off (cell phone, notifications, etc.), and focus. On Christ - focus on Him for a few minutes.  It’s worth the effort. Perhaps, some sweet joy will flood your soul. Or you will find a moment of peace in the sea of distraction. Focus. It’s worth it.

In Him,


Don Ward

Senior Pastor


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