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Why Did Jesus Have to Be Born?

Why did Jesus have to be born?

The short answer is that Jesus had to die, and then be raised from the dead. Of course, the answer is more nuanced and complicated than that, but I don’t think my first statement is too far from the truth.  Let me give you a few things to think about in answer to the question. To hear a sermon about the remarkable conception of Jesus of Nazareth, and why that is important, please click the link to this past Sunday’s sermon.

Jesus was born to die so that God’s wrath could be satisfied

Jesus was born to die as a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice. God promised that he would send a special messenger who would in his own body be a sacrifice for the sins of God’s beloved people (Isaiah 53).   God is love. God is just. How could human beings ever be reconciled to a God of justice? How could our sins every truly be dealt a blow? We could never answer the God of justice. The answer is, God so loved the world that he SENT his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus had to come so he could be the sacrifice to satisfy God’s justice completely (Romans 3:23-24).  He was born to die. He was also born to be “raised for our justification” (Romans 4:25). How else could the offering of his life be known to have saving effect? In this: He died, and he rose!

Jesus was born so that the word of God would not become null and void

For God to be God, none of his promises can be proven untrue. Jesus fulfills all of God’s Old Testament promises (Luke 24:44). Had Jesus not been born, the promises of God would have at best been still waiting to be fulfilled, and at worst, null and void. God is faithful, can be trusted, and plans things to come to pass at just the right time.

As I said it in an advent sermon one year, the cross always puts its shadow over the manger. Even Mary felt this sting when Simeon prophesied of the future sufferings of Jesus, the Christ (Luke 2:34-35). Remember he came to fulfill all of God’s promises. Remember, he came for us, to die for us, so that we might live as never before.


Don Ward

Senior Pastor


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