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Time and Priorities

15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,  16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. (Eph 5:15-16 ESV)

The New Year has begun.  The calendar presents us every year with an artificially created time to review our lives and commitments.  We look back on the previous year (again, artificially created, since humans could have started the year at any time, right?) and usually identify some things we’d like to change about the coming year.  New Year’s resolutions, we call them.  I like it.  It’s a new year; I can “start over” with all the things I haven’t been accomplishing in the previous twelve months.  On Dec. 31, I had too many failures.  On Jan. 1, I started all over!

In reality nothing has really changed except the changing of the seasons on December 21.  More light is headed our way (for which I’m grateful) each day until the longest day of the year.  We are relatively unchanged ourselves, but still feel a renewed vigor to do more, move forward, make the most of life.  The local gyms are crowded with those of us who ate too much between Thanksgiving and New Year’s and are determined to change.

Here is what is legitimate about all of that.  Our time is limited.  Paul warned the Ephesians to “make the best use of the time because the days are evil”.  In context (read all of Ephesians 5) he was calling them out of the sinful practices, thoughts, and activities which marked their lives outside of Christ.  It’s a guess, but they must have been still struggling, or he would have said, “keep on living the holy and godly lives you’ve been living.”  Instead he invites them to a life full of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:17-21).

What we are talking about is this: the time is short.  Another year has passed and too much has stayed the same, so we resolve to make changes.  Paul warns us in God’s Word that the time to change is now - the time is short.  Just this week a man I enjoyed seeing on ESPN died of cancer at 49 years old.  He was younger than me by a bit.  The time is short.  The time to change is now.

Our past resolutions tell us that change is exceedingly hard.  The human heart loves habits, and thus bad habits are difficult to change.  Since Adam and Eve bit the fruit, good habits have been hard to come by and nearly impossible to keep.  Bad habits come easily and leave only after a ferocious battle.  Then, they lurk at the door waiting for the slightest crack to enter back in, often with more vigor than before.

Change in all the things that matter most is exceedingly hard, and yet incredibly possible.  Change comes by grace and the Holy Spirit.  Self-will and self-determination won’t cut it.  We must be inwardly renewed by God’s gracious gift of the Holy Spirit DAILY.  Neither will independence cut it; read Ephesians 4:1-16.   Self-help never works for long.  Team help works much better and with more lasting results.  It comes by faith in Jesus and reliance on the Holy Spirit.  It comes when we walk this walk in the closest possibly community with one another.

One thing about time and priorities that is hard is realizing how much time I’m “wasting”; that is to say, not using according to my stated beliefs and values.  Unless I am convinced that I am loved, cherished, and empowered by God I will be unable to face my failures.  God doesn’t want us to turn over a new leaf.  He calls us to turn to Him for life.  Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand!

Therefore, just as Tag Tuck taught us this past Sunday, preach the gospel to yourself over and over again.  Remind your loved ones of the truth that Galatians so clearly teaches - our reconciliation with God is accomplished through Him who loves us and gave Himself for us.   From that foundation, start looking at how you use your time, your food, your thought life, and your devotions.  Ask yourself who might stand with you in this journey.  Believe in God’s power to transform you over your lifetime.  See what the Lord can do!

Thanks for reading my first thoughts for the New Year!

In Him,


Don Ward

Senior Pastor


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