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The Communion of Saints

We believe in the communion of saints.  That is our next confession from the Apostles’ Creed.

Here on earth

This creed is saying there is a universal (that’s what “catholic” means) church here on earth that is set apart to God (holy).  It includes all who profess faith in Jesus Christ - the same Christ that the Creed affirms.  That is to say, this communion doesn’t exist between true believers and false ones, but only among the saints - repentant believers in Jesus Christ.

I’ve seen this connection all through my life when I meet another believer in Jesus Christ somewhere I didn’t expect to meet one.  We might worship a bit differently.  We may be in denominations that have different conclusions about some issues.  But we begin to speak to one another about our Lord Jesus Christ, and it isn’t long before we realize that we have something wonderful in common.

Of course this connection can be developed so much more than just in a casual conversation.  Ephesians 4:1-16 describes the local church as a dynamic and life-giving organism essential to our life and growth as believers.  God wants us and commands us to be in such communities and to nurture this communion of the saints.  From Paul’s teaching it seems nearly impossible to mature without other believers in communion with you.  Once we have to live out our faith with others, we realize there are complications. I don’t think it is easy.  I know it is commanded by our Lord.

Between us and them

In his helpful little book I Believe that reviews basic Christian teaching (a book worth going over with spiritual searching people), Alistair McGrath writes “to believe in Jesus Christ is to believe in and belong to a dynamic community that spans the centuries.”  The “us” is those who are alive on earth.  The “them” are those believers who are already in perfect communion with Christ.  We are one with them as well.  I feel that communion when I read the writings of and writings about other followers of Christ through the ages.  I see them struggle with the same things I do.  I see them find power in Christ the same way I should, and sometimes don’t.

If you have lost a loved one who is in Christ, then you’ve only lost them for a moment.  So short is this life in light of eternity, you could think of it as if you lost them in the mall.  They are as close to the Lord Jesus Christ right now as you could ever imagine.  As you remain close to Christ you are indeed connected with them, not in some weird horror movie sort of way, but in the fact that you are loving imperfectly the Christ whom they now love and adore perfectly.  The connection remains.  So does the sorrow, but only for a moment.  Joy comes in the morning.  Soon we wake to a new world.

Altogether forever

When that morning rises, either on that great last day when the Lord Jesus Christ comes in power with His holy ones, or when we pass in death from this life to the next, we will be together forever.  That last great day will bring all His holy ones together in a large, multi-ethnic multinational fellowship of Christ lovers forever and ever.

We’d all like more details about heaven.  One thing we will have there is the communion of saints.  Heaven isn’t just church all day long in some boring or lifeless sense.  It is the communion of saints together forever.  I believe the words from 1 Thessalonians, “Then we will be with the Lord forever.”  We will be there forever with one another.

Are you pretending that Christianity is a personal thing?  Are you acting as if it is a self-help philosophy?  It’s not.  It was never meant to work for you without other believers.  It is a team sport!  “I believe in the communion of saints”.

In Him,


Don Ward

Senior Pastor


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