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A Word from Our Pastor

We had a special guest this week at Grace:  Bushra Shohdi.  This link tells you a little bit about him and allows you very quickly to support his ministry.  Our missions committee meets many missionaries which are found to be of great interest, but for which Grace lacks funds to support currently.  In future years they may be well added to our list.  Bushra is a friend of Peter Edwards, one of our elders, and if you were privileged to hear him on Sunday, you learned of the great things that are happening in the part of the world that is so much in the news.  Media of various kinds are jumping over cultural and religious barriers to win disciples for Jesus Christ.  These same tools allow these new believers to be discipled and strengthened in their faith.  There are places where Christian missionaries go at great risk to themselves.  In some cases, their presence also proves dangerous to those they most wish to help.  Bushra’s efforts can be most productive in these settings.  It was thrilling to hear of the great things that are going on - things that never make the news!  Thanks to Peter for bringing Bushra to meet us.



Don Ward

Senior Pastor


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