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Word of the Week

Word of the Week: Epic

Epic: extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope (Merriam-Webster)

Epic has other primary meanings, but I use it as defined here.  Sunday, December 6, 2015, was Epic.  We had four baptisms (three of them were adults), four professions of faith, and a total of seven new members join the church.

Numbers didn’t just make it epic; it was the stories beyond each life represented up front.

  • Epic: The baptism of a child from a family who a few years ago wondered if having children would ever happen, or if only grief and loss would mark their journey.
  • Epic: Receiving two very mature and energized senior adults as members, with a long story of God’s grace.
  • Epic: Baptizing a young woman who not long ago had little knowledge of Christ and His grace.
  • Epic: Receiving as a member the husband of the now baptized woman as a member - a man I’ve known since his childhood.  I’ve watched him grow into a man.
  • Epic: Baptizing your neighbor who became a believer through your wife’s friendship.
  • Epic: Baptizing a long-time GCC attender who has been carefully and thoughtfully considering faith, and was ready to make to make a full confession.
  • Epic: Receiving a long time attender whose wife just got baptized.
  • Epic: A public profession of faith from one of our GCC neighbors who reached out to us in a time of deep need. Her faith is also connected to the witness of a long-lost cousin, who was present to witness the great moment.

Sunday was an epic of epics!  Each of those people up front had a story to tell - an epic tale of the grace of God.  So do you!  We all have a story of God’s patient and glorious kindness to you through the ups and the downs, through the defeats and the victories.

Epic:  Some friend, neighbor or relative is destined to have us as a part of their story of coming to faith in Christ.  Do you know which neighbor or relative it is?  I don’t either!  How will you know?  How will you go about finding the people whose story is about to be written?  An epic tale of grace - with you as Christ’s ambassador.  Lord, write your epic tales!

In Him,


Don Ward

Senior Pastor


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