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Word of the Week

Word of the Week: Days

It hit me this morning: August starts next week. Is it just me or has summer flown by in a hurry? Before we know it, fall will be upon us. School will start back up. The weather will begin to cool. Leaves will begin to change.

There are still things I still want to do before summer ends, so this realization is urging me to make the most of these final weeks. I’ve been in a swimming pool maybe four times this summer – I should probably correct that. I still have some books I’m hoping to get through before September. I’ve been putting off a trip to visit friends. With fewer and fewer summer days left, I need to make the most of them.

But it’s not only our summer days that are short. It’s all our days. Psalm 144:4 tells us “Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.” How long is a breath? When a bird flies overhead, how quickly does its shadow pass? Neither is more than a moment.

What have you been putting off? Who still needs forgiving? Who could use some encouragement? What have you intended to finally say, “No” to but still keep doing? It’s always easy to put things off for tomorrow, but the Bible reminds us of something we all know deep down. We have less time than we think, so prioritize what’s important. Every day is a gift from God and part of our faithful stewardship is using the time we have well. Don’t just make your summer days count. Make all your days count.


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