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Word of the Week

Word of the week: Small

Start small. Have you heard that advice? It’s often the correct advice. Sometimes, we try big audacious things and get our breath taken away, and sometimes we don’t get started. Lately I’ve seen God at work in small, quiet things. Some of those small quiet things have grown larger and louder. I think of my friend and fellow Gracian Joe Varaksa. He started dipping his toes back into his ministry gifts with things like preaching in small churches. He started volunteering to lead Bible Study in the jail. It wasn’t every day of the week. It was one or two…well then it morphed into two days a week. On the Monday after Easter Joe became the Good News Jail Ministry Chaplain. He started small. God put his hand on things in big ways.

What’s starting small look like for you? Is it having weekly spaghetti dinner where neighbors come over and bring the sides? Tag Tuck is doing that with his church plant and he and Gina are building some neighborhood friendships. Is it offering to host a Bible club for the little ones who are winding up in your yard anyway? Is it inviting a friend to the next event at Grace that seems good for your friend?

God knows we are often afraid and overwhelmed. Trusting him and stepping out in a small step often leads to something greater. Try it and see!

In Him,


Don Ward

Senior Pastor


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