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Word of the Week

Word of the Week: Mull

The word “mull” is our word of the week. Mull, as I intend it here, means “think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length.” The English word for “mull” and the Hebrew word which is often translated “meditate” are very similar. The word in Psalm 1:2 for meditating on the law of the lord could be translated “mutter”, “growl”, or “ponder”. Thus, to meditate on scripture is to “mull it over.” You could walk around “muttering” or “pondering” it. You are savoring every word, going back and forth in your mind about its truth and its meaning for today.

“Meditate” might make us think of someone who has incense burning, and is sitting in a certain pose, emptying their mind of all but some mantra given them by a guru. Thus, we are properly concerned about meditation in that use of the word. Avoid such pagan practices! Christian meditation is different. It is filling your mind with the rich meaning of a phrase of scripture, and allowing every function of your mind and heart to connect with it. You are not emptying your mind but filling it with rich treasures of life and truth!

I bring this up because this past Sunday Pastor Tom Breeden left us with a lot to mull over from John’s gospel (you can listen to the sermon here). He took the familiar command to love one another and had many of us mulling, muttering, and pondering. Don’t stop! Reread the text from last Sunday (John 13:31-35) and consider it. Fill you mind and heart with it!

I encourage you to do this every week with these passages from John’s gospel which will fill up many of our sermons in early 2018. Jesus has these words for you. They were preserved for your blessing and benefit. They are personal, meaningful, challenging, and soul filling. Mull them over.

Bless you,


Don Ward

Senior Pastor


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