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Prayer and Adoration

One of the things that I have been trying to do often is to pray though The Lord’s Prayer in my quiet times. In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches us how to pray, and when Jesus teaches we should listen.

Over the next couple blogs, we will look at The Lord’s Prayer and share some thoughts on it. This week we start with the part of the prayer that is considered adoration. The Lord’s Prayer starts like this, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

When we pray, it is important that we bring a deep love and respect for who God is. We should often be praising God for his goodness and his mercy. Even in times when things aren’t going well God’s name deserves to be lifted high. God never changes so his name should always be praised. When we pray we aren’t just praying to anyone, but we are praying to a Holy God who holds the whole world in his hands.  God deserves all of our praise, and one of the ways we can express that is through prayer.

I think it is important to note that the first thing Jesus prays here is that God’s name be hallowed. It seems to me that God’s name being adored is above all other things in this prayer. Jesus’ first concern was God getting the glory He is due. So, Jesus is asking that God’s name would be above all else and we should be praying and asking the Lord to make that true in our own lives as well. We are asking God to show how great he is, and that’s easy for him because that is just who He is. Great. I once read an article by John Piper that said, “You can tell how your theology is changing when your prayers start changing.” Piper is saying that when we start understanding more of who God is we start praying in such a way that we ask God’s name to be adored above all things. Grace family, let’s pray to the Lord together and ask for His name to be made great in our hearts and in many hearts in our world. Have a great week!


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