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Financial Peace

Buy now and pay later!  0% interest!  0% down! Low monthly payments!  On Sale!

We’re bombarded with money messages like these every day.  But just because we see these messages all the time, doesn’t mean that they are good for us.  Advertisers want us to spend more than we make and do it right now.  It’s not cool to save up for a large purchase and wait to buy it, right?

My favorite podcast is Chris Brown’s True Stewardship.  His definition of stewardship is:  Handling God’s blessings God’s way for God’s glory.  Go back and read that again.  It’s really good and makes a lot of sense.  Everything on this earth belongs to God, and he lets us manage some of it for our short time here.  What we do with it during that time can have a great impact on us, our families, our community, and even the world.  How cool is that!

Are you worried about how to pay your bills this week or this month?  If you needed $1,000 for an emergency, do you have that?  Do you have an effective family budget? Are you saving money for retirement?  Are you tithing?  Are you able to give when you see a need in your family or community?  All of these questions relate to how we manage our financial resources.

If you want to learn more about how to be a better steward of your financial resources, join the Financial Peace University class starting in September.  Each week we’ll watch a video lecture by Dave Ramsey or one of his team members, then break into small groups to discuss the topics and encourage one another in our financial journeys.  I’m really excited about this opportunity!  I hope you’ll seriously consider joining me in this life-changing series.  It’s never too early or too late to start changing your financial legacy!


Michelle Morton

Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach

& Coordinator of Financial Peace University


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